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So welcome. We might be Mum and Daughter but its not just us of course, we have family and friends backing us all the way helping us to make all this a success. We are just the ones who sit in the shop serving customers, or sat behind computer screens trying to promote the business, update web pages and compile orders. If you get a message while browsing you can guarantee it will be one of us trying to give you the best shopping experience possible.

Here at Elentya we are a small family run business on the beautiful west coast of Lancashire. We sell gifts that are a little different, some might say quirky, or even magical. 


Our aim is to inspire those who are interested in living their own unique lives. We specialise in all things spiritual, gothic, steampunk, mythical and mystical. We even have a range of witchcraft supplies perfect for those just starting out, or those just stocking up the cupboards.


Have a browse through our products using the menu, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us, we aren't that scary, I promise.

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